Chapter Forty-One

Sophie smiled as Daniel pulled the car to a stop in front of Belletristic the next morning. "Thanks for the ride."

"My pleasure," Daniel said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind Sophie's ear tenderly. "I'm glad you're feeling better after yesterday."

"Yeah, I don't know what that whole hyperventilating thing was… sorry about that," Sophie apologized for what felt like the millionth time. "I've never had that happen before. I think it was just knowing that it was really OVER, that it was really behind me, you know? I was finally myself again, finally able to stand up to him, to be who I am. He brainwashed me for so long, and it felt so good to finally shake free of that. I think it was just the raw emotion of that moment that got me. Peter had such a power over me for so long…"

Daniel nodded, his eyes downcast, unable to meet Sophie's questioning gaze.

"Danny? You okay?"

"Listen, about some of the things I said yesterday…" Daniel began, his belly tightening with nerves.

"I know you wouldn't really bury him in the hedgerows," Sophie grinned, then put on a straight face. "Would you?"

"No, not that…" Daniel said with a small smile.

"Danny, what is it?" Sophie asked, curling a hand around his arm and looking at him with concern. "Tell me."

"I'm not sure…" Daniel swallowed, and then tried again. "I'm not sure I can… commit to some of the things I said yesterday."

Sophie's brow wrinkled. "What did you say yesterday?"

"We're still new at… this…" Daniel said, gesturing between the two of them. "And I just blurted out…"

"You were great," Sophie said with a wide smile. "Having you there… it made me brave. Don't worry about anything you said."

Daniel looked at her in confusion, his eyes searching hers. "Sophie, really, I just… I need some time. I don't know how long, I just… I need time."

"Okay, time," Sophie said, also confused, not sure what Daniel was referring to. "How about eight or nine hours – see you tonight?" she asked brightly.

"Maybe… depends on how things go today," Daniel said with a small wince. Sophie remembered that the field buy out deal was to be finalized today and nodded.

"Well, just stop by if you're up to it," she leaned over to kiss his stubbled cheek, and then bounced out of the car, feeling like she could take on the world.

Every girl should tell off her ex-boyfriend she thought with a smile as she crossed the sidewalk. It makes you feel like you can throw around cars or time travel or something, she thought happily.

As she walked through the front door of Belletristic, it hit her.

He'd said love.

He'd told Peter that he was going to love her.

No wonder he was backpedaling today, Sophie thought as tears pricked at her eyes involuntarily.

She knew she loved him – she knew it without a single doubt.

But obviously Daniel Davies had a few doubts of his own.

Setting her purse down on the glass counter, Sophie looked around for Matt, who was conspicuously absent. Her brow wrinkled, she peeked into the storeroom, but saw no Matt shuffling boxes around.

It wasn't like him to be late, she thought when she suddenly heard a giggle from one of the back rooms on the first floor. Treading lightly, she walked back to the room, expecting to see a customer laughing at a novel or a little girl playing on the floor with the box of toys, but instead she saw…

Matt and Kat.

Matt and Kat, kissing like they were auditioning for Romeo and Juliet.

Sophie's jaw dropped involuntarily, and she squeaked a noise which caused both of them to whip their heads around, and then immediately flush red.

"I'm so sorry," Sophie apologized, but with a broad grin. "I'm… I'm sorry. I'm going to go… up front now. And stay there for a long time."

And with that, she turned and practically skipped back up to the front of the store.


Sophie recrossed her legs, still balancing the pad of paper on her lap.

She'd spent all day alternating between moping at what Daniel had said in the car this morning, and her triumph at succeeding in finally getting Matt and Kat together.

They had finally emerged from the back room, faces still flushed and hands intertwined, and Kat had made a hasty exit with a grin and a thumbs up for Sophie. She knew then she'd have to stop by Hay Coffee to get Kat's side of the story later in the afternoon.

Matt had stumbled over his words, clearly embarrassed at being caught, yet unable to hide his glee at finally 'getting the girl'. He revealed that the day that Kat and he had met for lunch at the Granary – the day that Sophie had begged off with a 'headache' – something had connected between them, and they had gone out on a date that night.

A date that lasted until nine o'clock the following morning. They had talked and talked… and a little NOT talking, and found out that they were…

A fit.

Sophie knew it – she knew they were perfect for each other; they just needed a nudge in each other's direction.

She was just glad she was the nudger.

Since that marathon all night date, Matt and Kat had been inseparable, and were just waiting for the right time to tell Sophie the good news.

Getting caught canoodling in the back room was not top on their list of reveals, but they had all found the humor in it. Kat was glowing when Sophie visited her later in the afternoon at the coffee shop, unable to stop gushing about Matt and how wonderful he was, how he treated her like a lady, how he made her laugh.

Sophie couldn't be more pleased that her Operation Hookup plan had worked so beautifully.

On the other hand, there was the issue of Mr. Davies.

She knew Daniel had trust issues, love issues, emotional issues.

She knew that.

But it was time to take the leap, she thought, tapping her pen on the paper distractedly.

She knew she wouldn't be able to tell Danny all the things she wanted to say face to face, so she was resorting to note writing like this was gym class from seventh grade, but there was nothing for it.

She had to get it out.


I realized after the fact what you were referring to today when you said you weren't sure if you could commit to what you promised.

Love and cherish, right?

I realize those two things must be absolutely terrifying for you, but here's the thing:

They're terrifying to me too.

You saw what I walked away from, how much power Peter had over me.

And yet, I'm standing here, Danny, ready to take that leap again.

With you.

I understand your confusion and your hesitation, I really do. But it's time for a leap of faith. I'm willing to jump if you are.

Are you?

I'm standing here, Danny.


Waiting for you.


She'd give it to him tonight, she thought with a curt nod of the head. Better to leap and get it over with than to wait and wonder and worry.

Leap of faith, she sighed deeply. Definitely a leap of faith.


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