Chapter Twenty-Six

"Thank you, Helen. This is going to look absolutely fantastic in here!" Sophie enthused, shaking the older woman's hand happily.

"Thanks for the opportunity, Sophie. I never would have thought of it meself," the woman said, her voice lilting with her Welsh accent. "Let me know if you have any takers."

"I absolutely will," Sophie smiled. "Thanks again!"

With a wave, Sophie watched as Helen left Belletristic, a smile on her face. Turning, she saw Matt with a decidedly less delighted expression on his face.

"Do I even want to know?" he asked wearily. "First the coffee, then the music, then the furniture… now what have you gotten us into?"

"Just a little… cross marketing," Sophie said coyly, but with little success at hiding her new treasure.

"Tell me… why is there a huge framed piece of art on our counter?" Matt asked, folding his arms across his chest and staring her down. Sophie batted her eyelashes at him a few times teasingly, and he cracked a small smile. "Stop doing that."

Sophie laughed out loud. "I approached a couple of local artists – you know, there are some fantastic painters and artists living right here in Hay, amazing talents – and asked if they maybe wanted to hang a few pieces in the shop. We're kind of like an art gallery for them. They can send potential customers here to see their pieces, maybe we can make a sale or two for them…"

"And we get new customers," Matt finished for her, nodding. "How come you never have terrible ideas for me to shoot down?"

"Because, darling boy, I am brilliant. Brilliant, and totally needing a big, strapping man like you to help me drill some nail holes. You in?"

Matt rolled his eyes good naturedly, and then retreated into the back room to find the hammer just as the bell on the front door tinkled, causing Sophie to turn to greet her customer.

"Good day, sir. Is there something I can help you find?" Sophie asked formally.

"Perhaps…" The man replied slowly. "I need a handbook on soil cultivation – preferably from 1907."

Sophie stifled a grin. "I'm terribly sorry, sir. My stock of that title just ran out a few days ago. However, I know the gentleman who has it – I'd be happy to present you his name and address so you can go beat the hell out of him for it. No charge, even."

Daniel grinned at her serious tone as Sophie dissolved into giggles. "Gosh, doesn't take much to sell me out, eh?"

"Payback for being Meanie McMeanerson all those times…" Sophie said, shifting away as Daniel reached to tweak her ear teasingly, giggling as she escaped his grasp.

"Looks good in here…" Daniel ventured, looking around, noting the changes that Sophie had made to the front of the store. "You've made some great improvements, from the looks of it. I really like the counter area now, and that chair… and something smells good…"

Sophie smiled at his compliments happily. "Coffee… do you have time for a cup?" she asked, gesturing towards the coffeepot in the corner and taking a few steps towards it.

Daniel shook his head sadly. "I really don't… I was in town to pick up a few things, and just wanted to stop in and say hello. I… I missed you."

Sophie practically glowed at his words, even as she poured him a mug of coffee, despite his insistence that he didn't have time for it. "I missed you too…"

"Oh, gag…" Matt said under his breath as she came back into the room, overhearing Sophie and Daniel's exchanged words, and observing the searching, hungry looks they were giving each other. "No public displays of affection in Belletristic… it's a rule," he said, his voice serious but his smile easing the snark of his words.

"Too bad," Sophie said. "We were just going to drop trou and start humping on the floor," she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes for the benefit of both men.

Daniel turned bright red as he choked on the hot coffee when he heard her words. Sophie looked at him angelically, and he started laughing anew.

"Listen, Matt… I've been meaning to ask you… do you want to come over and have dinner with Daniel and I tomorrow night? I think I've almost mastered the stove in the kitchen at Fairfields," Sophie asked. "And I'd really like to cook you dinner as a thank you for being my driver for my first few weeks."

Daniel injected. "I'll be supervising the stove use, rest assured, mate."

Matt shook his head apologetically. "No, thanks, though. With my folks it's hard to take a night off, and I don't want to be the third wheel and all…"

Sophie shrugged slightly. "That's too bad… Kat was going to come over too."

Matt swallowed thickly, the color draining from his face slightly. "Is seven okay?"

Daniel and Sophie exchanged a small smile, and then Daniel caught sight of the clock above the checkout counter. "I've got to run. Will I… will I see you tonight?" he asked, almost shy as he handed his mug of coffee back to her. "Maybe dinner together?"

Sophie smiled at him, catching his hand in hers and giving it a small squeeze. "Count on it."


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